Monday, October 09, 2006

Taxi drivers dashboard, our transport to beach retreat from Mombasa

Dear all,

I am no longer in Africa and I'm feeling a bit tragic about it though I suppose I'm safe from malarial mosquitoes and insane driving. But oh wait I'm in England, scratch the safe from insane driving bit. You see (pardon me Alex) these weirdo's over here drive on the wrong side of the road, and what's more they manage to do on one lane roads! Of course in Kenya and Tanzania they drive on the left side of the road as well and they drive like absolute maniac's to boot, I ought to write a precautionary pamphlet on riding in vehicles in Nairobi, but Nairobi is down the road, we left off last email on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro I believe. A lot has happened since then so this might be a rather long email...

Soon after returning to our home-sweet mud-and-dung-hut in Arusha from Machame we left again. This time we were setting out on the field trip of my dreams. Let me preface. In University I took two courses (all I could take) specifically on this one society, their culture, beliefs, practices, etc... They are one of the most visible of all East African societies, most people have heard of them, many have seen a picture representing them, some have seen films, they're called the Maasai. Our second field trip was to an even higher up village, far away from anything we might label 'developed', not the least bit tropical, inhabited by Maasai, and called Eluai. Eluai is the boma (homestead) of Lesikar Eno lengila's father, his wives and many children. Lesikar is Gemma's (the woman in charge of our summer school) husband. We stayed up there for three days and witnessed much no tourist would ever see even though there are Maasai boma's scattered across the landscape of Kenya and Tanzania that offer tourists a glimpse of "traditional" culture. The Maasai will sing and dance for the tourists and what they sing, what the tourists don't know, is; "Welcome tourists, give us your money". It's probably an incredible experience anyway and I'm sure the Maasai are making a pretty penny, a lot of what I saw and did probably wouldn't be too salable.

We began by touring some of the houses, which are built of mud, dung and straw packed onto a stick frame. They are very well insulated the way they're built and the temperature inside remains pretty constant, which was good because it was down right cold up there. The houses are round (which is actually a style of buildling adopted from more settled neighboring tribes) and the entrance enters on to either one large room or spirals into a small central room with little rooms built off the the sides. The second style reminds of something like a conch shell, with little compartments coming off the spiral. Inside it is extremely smoky and nearly completely dark. They have their cook fires inside and no real ventilation, many of the women had pretty awful coughs and it wasn't surprising.

We milked goats and cows, cows are easier but we were pretty retched at it nevertheless.

We hiked into a secluded wooded area which is the site of a ceremony called olpul that is a kind of Maasai hospital. Warriors often will go there and eat nothing but meat for a few days to recuperate after stressful times or after being circumcised. Occasionally men will take their wives after childbirth but it is rarer and rarer. Part of the reason why it's becoming rarer is because at olpul you would sacrifice a goat and make a medicinal soup, but livestock numbers are lower these days than they used to be and people are not so likely to sacrifice animals so often. They did sacrifice a goat for our benefit though, which was an honor as well as a difficult thing to watch. Not everyone wanted to watch but most of us watched the whole business which was a little gruesome but it was a good experience to see where one's food comes from. I tasted the blood, tried some goat meat cooked over open flame, and I'm wearing a bit of it's skin round my hand, which fortunately has stopped smelling like rotting flesh and has just dried out. Sleeping in my tent there was an experience in itself up there. You could hear the cow bells ringing, early at night there would be dancing and singing coming from outside the houses, and occasionally you'd hear the hyena's howling. Hyena howls are very unnerving. One night I was back to my tent to get my headlamp and these little kids were sort of half guiding me half laughing at my apparent silliness and in the light of the torch, not far off I could see a hyena's eyes circling our tent campsite. I wasn't really frightened just sort of mesmerized and then the kids started sayings something and throwing rocks, it left. I asked Lesikar what the kids had been saying afterward, figured it was hyena, and he said it meant leopard and that they were trying to tease me.

We spent most of one whole day hanging out at the local women's cultural center, which is some half built houses in the middle of a field, and watched them do their beadwork. They showed us how to twist the fibers from plastic rice sacked into thread and then how to make simple strands. The women who was helping me must have thought I had bad taste in colours because she kept un-stringing my work and redoing it with different colours. They had some absolutely beautiful jewelry and they wore a lot of it. I'm writing quite a bit about Eluai and I should probably restrain myself and save my words for a longer piece I hope to write when I get home but as I said this was the field trip of my dreams. I'll be briefer. At Eluai we also participated in one of the nighttime Maasai disco's which was hilarious because we were so silly looking. At the dance the men and women are in different groups, the women dance by sort of bobbing and rolling their shoulders to make their disc-like necklaces bounce up and down, and the men compete at how high they can jump. They can jump really high. Then they all come together and the women choose the men who they think jumped the best. At one time, at this point in the dance they would all then go off and have sex, this practice is becoming much less common thanks to AIDS education, and fortunate for me because I think I chose like three different men. In short, Eluai was completely amazing and I wished I could stay.

However, we again returned to Arusha were there only about a day before we were off again. This last field trip was much stranger than the others and nobody seemed to understand what was going on half the time. On the way to this village we stopped for a night someplace and camped by a lake. A few of us were walking along the lake and we came across these fishermen who offered to take us out in the dugout canoes to see the hippos. This sounded a little dangerous but our sense of adventure got the better of us and we went. We saw hippos, it was great, they make strange noises and are really really big. On each of our trips we had a couple of people from the Aang Serian organization who were our guides basically. On this one we had this guy Shobani. Shobani doesn't understand English all that well and takes a long time to say anything but he's very sweet. He can also be very odd and doesn't make much sense himself, the only frustrating bit is that if he doesn't understand you he'll just assume what you said and go on rather than asking for clarification, this made it very very confusing to ask questions. We survived though. We were visiting his village in Rangiland it was called Kalema in more central Tanzania. It was about a six hour drive on a very bad road to get there and it was much hotter there and more of a desert environment. It's funny how plants in the desert are all spiky, everything was sharp in Kalema. While there we sacrificed another goat which was less interesting and more horrifying, helped by the fact that we didn't really know what was going on until someone slit its throat and nearly took the head off. The goat skin bracelet I had from this one was first rolled in intestines and was pretty unpleasant, this one also actually did start rotting and I had to cut it off in the end. We also tried to prepare a meal the Rangi way, tried to collect and balance water on our heads in gourds which was really very difficult, collected honey from an acacia tree hive which was very tasty and very different and sampled some more of the local brew. The local brew in Kalema was entirely different from Machame and was brewed in this house absolutely filled with piss drunk people at 3:00 in the afternoon on a Thursday. Shobani was all smiles taking us into the drunk house even as they closed around us staggering and it was a this point I began to think that perhaps Shobani was not quite right in the head. The morning we were to leave he showed up in full football regalia, and by football I mean soccer, looking a touch out of place in our sandy campsite.

When I was gold prospecting out in Nevada I had this arch enemy who was a real jerk to me, Charles, my friends uncle. Whenever I speak of Charles I need to remind myself of his redeeming factor, which calms my, frosty in his case, feelings. Charles made very good risotto. Shobani was a really nice guy.

Returning from Kalema was essentially the end of our program, we had a day safari to Ngorongoro the next day and that was incredible. Ngorongoro is a crater at the top of what used to be a mountain that one day blew its top. Inside the crater is a nearly captive community of all the great African wildlife save giraffes which really can't get into the crater. It's absolutely stunning inside and from the crater rim and we saw all the animals even the rhino's which apparently are very rare. It was strange to be in a tourist place after all we'd done and see all the funny looking white people but it was a lot of fun. That night we had a sort of closing ceremony and most of us left the next morning. Even now, back in England and in between Africa and home, I feel like I'm on another field trip and will be returning to Arusha soon. Somewhere in between Eluai and Arusha we stopped to visit this Maasai diviner. He told me two things. One; that I came from a royal and or rich family. I'm not so sure about that, I'm not royalty that I know of or rich monetarily, but he was being translated into English for us and I wonder what a Maasai man considers to mark being rich so I'll leave that one open for interpretation. The second thing he told me is that I would one day live in Africa. From the experience I've had I can't argue with that.

At the end of our program a number of us traveled by bus to Mombasa on the coast of Kenya. The first day we kind of spent lounging on a beach was was absolutely lush and despite it being winter was lovely and warm. Even the water, the Indian Ocean was so warm. The second day we walked around the old town Mombasa which was really cool. All the streets were really narrow and winding, it was like an entire city of alleyways where many cultures met. Mombasa was originally a center of trade from India and the East so there was a lot of that influence there and quite a few Indians. We decided to see a Baliwood film in theatres in Mombasa and it was quite a lot of fun. If you ever get the chance to see Fanaa, do so it's quite bizarre, not quite enough singing and dancing to feel like baliwood really but it had some very surprising "plot" twists. The next day we spent another whole day on the bus to get back to Nairobi. Getting there I was supposed to stay with a friend of my sisters but when I got to his house and no one was there he turned out to be at the airport on his way to Mombasa. However, kind man he was, he sent his driver to come get me and my friend to take us to his brothers house for the two day we'd be there and we could use his driver while he was gone. So my friend and I wandered around Nairobi a bit, saw a really interesting exhibit at the art museum and were driven around erratically by the driver who didn't understand almost a word of what we told him. Driving in Nairobi is absolutely insane and I wouldn't recommend it.

Some more long days of traveling and now I'm here again, in white people land, feeling at once as though I never left and I'm not really here. Trips like this, that are so different from our normal lives in my experience fade quickly from memory and start to feel like dreams. I'm so grateful to have kept a detailed diary every night of my trip this time and I look forward to getting home and rewriting it. I hope to produce something between a travelogue and an academic report which is to say something accurate and respectful but interesting and easy to read. I may have a college degree now but for a number of reasons I would not consider myself an academic and I hope that my writing errs more on the side of travelogue than report. For instance, I absolutely hate being told not to write in first person, that it's unprofessional. Personally I think NOT writing in first person is unprofessional, as long as the only reason not to is so called posterity. Writing as though ones words are fact ignores the personal experience of the author and that expereince inevitably colours what is written. I don't believe there is such a thing as impartiality or objectivity and I blame the prohibition on first person for prolonging such myths! Anyway, I have grand ideas for my writing and very high expectations for it and for myself. Also I hope that the time put into writing it and the rereading of my journal will help to preserve my memmory of the trip. I imagine my hundreds of photographs will help as well.

This email is getting quite long now and I should save some things for the telling since I'll be home in a week. I have learned that I'm moving the weekend I get back so I might not see many of you for a few days unless you aren't bothered to see me in a jet lagged, sleep deprived, exhausted zombie state. I'm looking very forward to seeing you all and seeing my puppies and my binsi tree and my new house for that matter. I also look forward to seeing Pirates of the Carribean which came out the day I left much to my dismay, I get to go see it with my mommy on Sunday, awhhh. Congratulations to you if you've managed to make it through this whole email (a nod to the yotamalogue). See you soon! Cheers from England.


Camels on Tiwi Beach

Tiwi Beach, mintues from Mombasa, but not a section of road to travel on foot. This was our beach retreat after the program ended and those of us who had to return to Nairobi to travel all went to Mombasa on the way

View from our hostel window

A beautifully carved door we came across while wandering the wandering streets of Mombasa

Mombasa alley. The historic section of Mombasa, called Oldtown is all narrow winding alleyways

Mombasa alley

Streets of Mombasa

Fort Jesus, by the Indian Ocean

Mombasa, Kenya. A major port or trade bewteen East Africa, India and the Middle East Mombasa is a very interesting city with long history. This is the entrance to a portugese fort, Fort Jesus

A woman selling bannanas by the roadside with a political umbrella. Moi was the former Kenyan president

Leaving Tanzania and entering Kenya. Some signs entering the border town

Lazy lions

Big old fella


Elephants in the grass

King of the crater

Sneaky lion

Stripes. A study done somewhere I heard on good authority stated that a board painted white on one side and striped on the other and smeared with some sort of mosquito attracting substance revealed that mosquitos don't like black and white stripes

Zebra herd


Two of the three Black Rhino's within the whole park



Wildebeast are funny

LOTS of wildebeast, theres a warthog in there somewhere too

Inside the crater. Wildebeast

View into Ngorongoro crater from the rim. Ngorongoro was once upon a time the tallest mountain in Tanzania, or near it, until it EXPLODED!

Lake Manyara

Lake Manyara, below Ngorongoro

Entering Ngorongoro Crater National Park, a Male baboon dominates an SUV

Baobab tree

Leaving Kondoa there was the coolest baobab tree ever. I didn't manage to get a picture of a typical baobab but allow me to assure you that this is indeed the coolest one ever

Central Tanzanian desert flora

Heid grinds millet the way women do in Rangi land to prepare ugali

At one point during our tour of Kondoa we were sent in pairs into classrooms at the grade school with instruction to "teach". That was all we were told. Here I am sticking out like a sore thumb after having co taught the kids where Canada and Norway were on our crudely drawn world map and singing the kids a very silly english song about a dustman

Sunset through acacia trees

Kondoa sunset

Very excited about my camera, these kids all wanted to be the subject of the photograph

Rangi kids

Rangi house with raised platforms for drying grains

Dry riverbed

Rangi land riverbed (dried up), cattle cross in the distance

Just the tree. This is in Rangi land but the oreteti tree (a kind of ficus) is sacred to the Maasai because they say when you cut it milk and blood comes out, both substances which are of high value to the Maasai. When you cut a ficus's leaves they secrete a white glue like liquid, and cutting the bark, the sap is red. Hence, the Maasai do not use this tree for anything that involves cutting it in any way.

An oreteti tree (Maasai name), site of the Rangi goat sacrifice. Far left: our super awesome cook with the funny hats

Rangi House and young boy